
What's New in social Media | Week Six

Facebook Profile Videos

If the standard profile photo wasn't enough Facebook is now introducing the profile video rather than just the standard display picture. Initially launched in October 2015 the feature isn't available everywhere yet so if you're in New Zealand don't go rushing to add seven seconds of your live self to the internet quite yet. 

Boomerang For Gmail

Boomerang for Gmail is a browser plug in for Safari Chrome, and Firefox that works with regular Gmail and Google apps. With Boomerang and you can write an email and schedule it to send later. You can also set Boomerang up to let you know if someone hasn’t responded to your email by a certain date, then give you a reminder to send it again. A pretty handy little tool, particularly for potential client engagement. 

Check out this demo video, it's pretty cheesy but it explains it pretty well. 

Instagram Tools for Improving Your Marketing

The Grass Roots Media NZ Instagram is still in it's early stages, we're still finding our 'sound' for the platform. Through ensuring your images are always of a professional standard and understanding the analytics, you're well on your own way to getting the most out of your Instagram. 

  1. Both the uniqueness and the challenge of instagram is that it is such a visually heavy platform. Nailing the most awesome images is central to getting an interaction from your audience. An app like A Color Story is the perfect tool to help you nail signature images for your business. 

A Color Story has a selection of great filters that are available for free, if you're wanting to use a few more fun and funky tools you can pay a little extra and customise your own. Another tool that is well worth checking out is Enlight, a favourite here at Grass Roots Media. 

2.  Sharing images from other accounts is a big part of the Instagram zenith. By supporting other Instagram followers you're improving your awareness and increasing the likeliness that these Instagram-ers will engage and reciprocate. Repost for Instagram is a great tool for this, available for Android and IOS makes reposting Instagram images from other accounts and sharing their stories while giving them credit a breeze. 

3. Scheduling your Instagram posts. For many, Instagram is a 'life as it happens' platform. However, sometimes life does get in the way, so to ensure you're always present, we encourage the use of a tool such as Hootsuite to help you schedule your posts. In addition to making sure you're always present it's also a useful tool for ensuring you get the right time of day for the best post engagement. We'll be the first to admit that Hootsuite isn't the prettiest platform to use, but once you get the hang of it and being able to have all of your platforms in the same place is great. Give it a go, or give us a call if you'd like to learn a bit more about it. 

4. Tracking your performance is always worthwhile. Analytics are the perfect way to understand your ROE (Return On Effort) for your instagram account. A tool for this Iconosquare, check out what posts get the best reaction and engagement from your audience to replicate them in future. 

Of course if you really are short on time give us a call. We offer a 30min FREE consult as part of our service, so you know, and we know, you're getting the best possible solution for your social media strategy and ultimately your business.