
What's New in Social Media | Week Fifteen


And they’re off!

A few weeks ago we introduced you to Instagram for business and within the last week it has rolled out across New Zealand.

Instagram for business adds in contact features, insights and the ability to promote a post like you would boost one on Facebook. More features will be added over time as they continue to fine tune the options for business.  We have activated this function for Grass Roots Media and we’ll be sure to fill you in with more detail as it happens.

Instagram Ads

As you’ve just read, you can now advertise one of your Instagram posts directly in Instagram with the business account function. With Facebook now having a big stake in Instagram and with their advertising platform used by millions, it’s no wonder the advertising options in Instagram look like a stripped back Facebook advertising tab! With 500 Million active Instagram users, Instagram is now tipped to be the largest advertising platform ahead of Facebook. Now that’s saying something!

We all know that great visual content draws in more users than plain text so here are your newest Instagram advertising options.

Photo Ads - With photo ads, businesses can tell their story through beautiful imagery. Whether it's inspiring people to see your brand differently or to take action.

Video Ads - With beautiful quality and editing options, you can now share videos up to 60 seconds long in a landscape format.

Carousel Ads - People can swipe to see additional images and a call to action button takes them to a website to learn more.

Pictured here you will see our latest GRM ad that was put on Facebook last week.
Here are a few statistics from late last year:

  • Instagram was recently ranked as the top social channel marketers planned to invest more advertising in (72%),
  • Facebook (61%),
  • Pinterest (41%),
  • Snapchat (36%) and
  • Amazon (34%) which also looked favorable to marketers.

Ensuring visibility

So how can you make sure your photos are still seen?

The algorithm behind the new timeline determines the posts to place at the top of a user's feed based on the likelihood of their interest in it, relationship with the poster and its timeliness.

At the moment, Instagram will still show you all the photos shared, but in a different order. This could change as the company improves and tweaks the algorithm.

It has not revealed exactly how it selects which posts to display at the top of your feed, but it probably works in the same way as Facebook's timeline, which boosts content that has a lot of likes, comments and shares.

Posting great images that your followers will want to engage with is therefore the best way to make sure they're seen. 

#TopTip - When taking a picture for Instagram don't overcrowd the shot, think about the lighting, and make sure the photo's in focus!

#FunFact: Did you know that a blue tint (think blue seas and skies or the image as above) has been shown to get the most likes? 24% more likely in fact, with 'clarendon' being the most popular filter internationally #guilty.

‘Measure and optimize your Instagram performance.’

Now, if the new Instagram Insights aren’t quite giving you what you need, there is still Iconosquarewhich gives you:

Access to deep insights into your Instagram,

It saves time managing your Instagram activity,

Helps you engage your audience with unlimited photo and video contests!

Sign up for the free seven day trial to see which will best suit your needs. An educated decision is the right one!

Pokemon Go

We wouldn’t be a social media and digital company if we didn’t mention this new phenomenon. On the other hand we’re also well aware of the digital environment and until Nintendo can confirm that they’re not accessing ALL of our Google account information then we won’t be partaking in any chasing of Bulbasaurs any time soon! 

However, here’s a gallery of screenshots from friends of ours who are going crazy over this virtual reality game.

My name is Chanelle O’Sullivan. I originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, I am now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow me on Instagram.