
What's New in Social Media | Week Eighteen

Back in 2012 Facebook was awash with ‘Bitstrips’ - now, the new and improved version is here with 2016 being the year of the Bitmoji!

Bitmoji are cartoon versions of yourself. You can personalise them, starting all the way from face shape, eye position, hairstyle, skin colour, outfits and more.

The company won’t release exact figures, but many millions of people are using the app every single day, and the numbers are steadily growing. They release six new Bitmoji every week, with a search function for usability recently introduced.

The Grass Roots Media team had some fun with it this week with myself (Chanelle) asking how it’s going, Chelsea here in the middle and Anna giving us the thumbs up! Our website even has Bitmoji team profile pictures now. Check it out!

Have some fun with these and integrate them into your Facebook messenger conversations, Slack or Snapchat!

"Snapchat brought Bitstrips, who makes Bitmoji back in March for a price in the realm of $100,000,000!" — #funfact

Storytelling comes to life

Canvas is a new post-click, full-screen, immersive mobile ad experience on Facebook that loads nearly instantaneously, and is designed to help businesses tell stories and show products on mobile devices in a beautiful way”

Ads open within the news feed to reveal a full-screen image where advertisers can use a mix of video, still images, text and call-to-action buttons to build a visually stunning and effective brand and product experience on mobile.


The Sensis Social Media Report 2016 released last week surveyed 1100 Australian businesses and 800 Australian consumers. We know it’s not quite an accurate reflection of NZ statistics but it isn't too far off as some brief SMK kiwi Facebook stats were released just five days ago.

Facebook has still proved to be number one with 95% of respondents using it. The average Aussie Facebooker checks in 32 times a week, with an average visit time of 24 minutes. Sometimes we wish we could claim to only use it that often! In comparison, around 59% of all NZer's have a Facebook account.

With Instagram coming in second place, followed by LinkedIn then Twitter, it certainly shows that visual streams of media are the most popular.Check out some more statistics here so you can be sure you’re getting the most out of your media channels and we’ll be sure to let you know when more substantial NZ statistics are released!

Check out some more statistics here so you can be sure you’re getting the most out of your media channels and we’ll be sure to let you know when more substantial NZ statistics are released!

Office Lens - the camera scanner!

Office Lens is the new camera built into OneNote for iPad that lets you take pictures of whiteboards, or printed documents, then enhances your photo by cropping, sharpening and straightening it, so it looks almost like a scanned image. Lastly, your picture is added to your note, so you can retrieve it later.

Perfect for snapping a picture of a white board after a meeting or recording a receipt you need to charge back to work!

Download it from the App Store here or Google Play store here.

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram.