
Whats New in Social Media | Week Twenty Five

Got a slow connection?

On Monday, Facebook released an update making it load faster and has given it a more intelligent order for your news feed based on combination of pre-cached stories saved on the device, as well as new stories from Facebook’s servers.

The update is one of many things that Facebook has been doing to make its app work better on poor connections, or when you’re offline. Last December, it began allowing users to comment on posts when offline. Before that, it allowed for offline sharing and Likes. And the company has even specifically designed a “Lite” version of its mobile app that uses less data for those on 2G networks or with unstable internet connections.

Facebook realises that the new changes won’t only benefit emerging markets with everyone experiencing poor connections at times.

Considering that my home connection is ADSL bounced of the neighbours woolshed - I can be sure I will personally benefit from this improvement!


Staying on the topic of Facebook for a minute here, have you tried out the live streaming function yet? I have been tempted numerous times but haven't been game enough to put myself out there quite that much!

On a less personal and more business level - it appears to be becoming a really useful function! (Saves writing out a novel too). How about using it to address commonly occurring topics from your followers? Someone who uses it often and well is Pete Evans  in a group of his called "The Paleo Way Tribe" whether you believe in his theories (They seem mostly sensible to me!), his way of interacting with his 38k strong audience with 1 hour long Q+A sessions makes him approachable and seemingly genuine. This has helped build his reputation and fellowship.

Another benefit of Live Facebook for businesses is it gives you the option to give some insights to 'behind the scenes' - new stock that has arrived, behind photo shoots, trial and error, related tips and tricks and the option of getting some facts out there straight from the horses mouth.

When live streaming first appeared on Facebook, it was only an option for verified users like news outlets and celebrities. Now it's an option for everyone. Give it a try! Become relatable and human to your audience rather that an untouchable brand name. Show what's happening at events you're attending in a work sense or some newly released news and see how you can grow your audience.
What if you want to screen-share or film live from your computer...?

It's possible! Rather than re-write it - check out this link detailing free software options you can download to make this happen and a step by step guide on how to use it here.

How do you decide which media to use?

Should focus on Instagram or Snapchat? Is Twitter still relevant? 

For the past 8 years, The Social Media Examiner has done a study, to reveal where marketers are focusing their social media efforts. This year they surveyed over 5000 people and it's now available for you to study further

This report also shows you which social tactics are most effective and how content plays a role in social media marketing - Extremely valuable if you are looking to step your media content up a notch or if you want to know a little more about why your marketing team does what they do.

The report is free too, so aside from a few too many follow up newsletters - there are no strings - just a chance to upskill!

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram.