
What's New in Social Media | Week Twenty Seven

It's a multi-device generation

I don't know about you but most nights I'm flicking between three screens at any one time.

Tonight my phone is being used for messages and research links. My laptop has emails open and I'm typing this. Behind that is some trashy reality show about a super yacht crew that my husband is watching (lots of bikinis and cocktails from the snippets I've glanced at).

Is this bad? How do you feel about the extent of your technology use over the day? I'm not sure how healthy it is but I get strength in knowing I'm not the only one who works like this each night!

The upside to this is that I stumble across some really cool new functions and apps that will help in the world of social media marketing!

The new and improved

Femmebot is a collaborative typography project using select passages from Aesop's Fables set to Google Fonts . It's being run through GitHub (Millions of developers use GitHub to build personal projects, support their businesses, and work together on open source technologies)

Now I'm not sure how I came to find this but what it is, is a website showing font pairings for maximum impact. Did you know there are 650 fonts available for free from Google?!

I just had to share some images below as this just makes my creative side sing <3

It could genuinely be quite useful to those very particular on how they put a piece together or for those looking to choose a style for a website, project or imagery. 


OK, so it's not really called 'Winstagram'...

Last week, Instagram launched on Windows 10! The main idea behind the launch was to enable Windows Tablet users to use it like they would on a phone having camera and touch screen abilities.

Out of interest I have downloaded it on my Laptop to see how much function it give me!

It's a bit slow and clunky for me - but that's more likely to be the internet connection to be honest. 

As opposed to the web browser version, http addresses are clickable, you can check your messages, watch stories, like other images, search and browse but still not able to add images sadly.

I guess that's not a big deal, but it would sure be handy for people who are taking photos with a professional camera and wanting a quicker upload from their computer - maybe one day! 


Staying on the theme of Instagram for a minute here - there was a new update released in the last couple days! Just a few wee changes, you can now boomerang your stories, which, in case you haven't noticed, I'm very fond of!

I'm getting about 150 views per story and up to 14 new followers a day since upping my IG story usage - coincidence? I'm not sure but hey, I'm not complaining! Just between you and me, it's probably my most personal version of 'me'. I know it has a smaller following than any of my other outlets and I really like that aspect of it. A really cool function I encourage you to get amongst! From bloggers to sports stars to actors and singers to retail businesses and those 'IT' people, It's certainly worth a look!

Another feature of the update is that web links are now live and clickable and now you can include '@' mentions in your stories which also get sent to the recipients inbox to draw their attention to it.

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram.