
What's New in Social Media | Week Forty Six

Last year saw the launch of Workplace, Facebook's enterprise collaboration app and Slack rival. Now Facebook is looking to woo more big spenders with a free version of the app. Now instead, we have Workplace Premium which is the paid version that will have self-service, the administrative and admin tools.
At this stage the mobile work space is still  dominated by Slack (with 1.5 million subscribers) - Also used here at Grass Roots Media. At last count Workplace had signed up 1000's of users. The Workplace Facebook page is looking a little quiet but Facebook does usually gain traction when and where it wants to so perhaps it's just a matter of time...

Global Media

We hear SO much about Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, Pinterest - did you know that these 5 huge social media channels aren't actually all globally used outside of english speaking countries?

WhatsApp is clearly the winner here but I would say the majority kiwis won't have heard about it. Here is a few stats for you, It's been around for 8 years and it is a freeware, cross-platform and end-to-end encrypted instant messaging application for smartphones. It uses the Internet to make voice calls, one to one video calls; send text messages, images, GIF, videos, documents, user location, audio files, phone contacts and voice notes. 

Great for when you are travelling abroad and wanting to keep in touch with family and friends around the world. It now has over 1.2 BILLION active users! To find out more about this app, check out thier website or for a wider view, Wikipedia has some great information to help you decide whether it is something that could suit you, or your business.

Must know - WeChat

WeChat is the most important and widely social network in China. In Chinese, the app's name is "Weixin," which means "micro message." 

WeChat users can do just about anything, including play games, send money to people, make video calls, order food, read the news, book a doctor appointment, and more. It's basically China's version of Facebook.

"WeChat’s reach and influence is unrivaled in China’s online space," said research firm China Skinny. "It touches everything from consumers communicating with their nearest and dearest, to sharing their most special moments, to buying everything from cinema tickets to taxi rides."

As you can see from the infographic above, over 800 million people use this platform but less than 100 million of them are from outside of China. Huge numbers considering it is only 6 years old! WeChat promotes a bit of spontaneity with a feature called Shake. If people have it enabled, they can shake their phones and message other random WeChat users who shook their phone at the same time!

Is this something that could take off in New Zealand? I'm not sure but what I do think is that with China having the largest economy in the world - you need to know about it and if it comes to you needing to do business in China, you'll need to get into it!

It floats!?

Have you seen this? Am I behind the eight-ball here?

While writing this I was doing some research when I played a video. After finding my internet was too slow to wait for it to load, I continued scrolling and this wee box popped up and continued to play the (slowly buff..buff..buffering) video!?
Admittedly I have no idea when this started happening but I am sure it must be recently. I do usually spend most Facebook scrolling time on my mobile though so if you have any insight I'd be interested to hear it and what you think!

Chanelle O’Sullivan is Grass Roots Media's Social Media Specialist. She originally studied agriculture, before moving south onto a Station, followed by a stint dairy farming. After three years vet nursing, she is now a Mum to two kids and creator of Farming Mums NZ and ‘Just a Farmers Wife’ while also working part-time for the NZ Landcare Trust and Grass Roots Media.

Follow her on Instagram